All about pet cat

Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

Lil Kitty Gray Walking Meowing Cat

Lil Kitty Gray Walking Meowing Cat<br />Other products by Lil Kitty

Thought I'd give some additional information about this toy. This was a gift for my daughter (age 4) this Christmas. She really likes this kitty. Of course it just walks in a straight line, with repetitive "meeewing" every few steps. It is small, but my daughter likes to snuggle with it and take it to bed with her. The box says it pounces or some sort of thing, but we've yet to see it do that. Just walking and meewing. A previous reviewer mentioned it sounds like a dog barking. It doesn't sound like a grown cat, but does have a certain kitten quality to the sound. Kittens do sound very different than adult cats. My daughter told me a few days ago that there was something in the kitty's mouth. When I checked it out there is a part that can be felt with fingers put into the kittens mouth. I think this part could "potentially" cut a little finger should a kid decide to pry around in there. However, it isn't a big enough issue for me to not have this toy around. I simply told my daughter not to put her fingers in the mouth and she is fine with that.
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All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome

All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome

Tony Attwood, author of Asperger's Syndrome and The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome
If you have just begun to discover why someone with Asperser's is different, this book will inform and entertain you.

Wendy Lawson, author of many books on the autism spectrum
Highlights the unique qualities of individuals with Asperger's and has us 'down to a T.'
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Planet Cat: A CAT-alog

Planet Cat: A CAT-alog

The cats out of the bag -- a delightful book on all things feline that no cat lover can afford to miss. Following in the paw prints of Planet Dog, here is the cats meow: a lively, entertaining, one-of-a-kind assemblage of more than 400 lists on all things cat. Its all here, from the origins of the species to care and training to breeds and behavior to famous cats in history, art, and literature. The book even includes a list of celebrity cat people. Illustrated with more than 150 photographs and line drawings, this irresistible package is sure to delight cat lovers everywhere. How to say cat in 46 languages Hemingways cats Cats who changed history Why cats paint Tricks you can teach your cat Great gifts for the pampered cat Cat food recipes An IQ test for your cat Human habits that drive cats crazy And more!

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Cat Vs. Cat: Keeping Peace When You Have More Than One Cat

Cat Vs. Cat: Keeping Peace When You Have More Than One Cat

In this companion to her successful introduction to cat behavior Think Like a Cat, Pam Johnson-Bennett, the award-winning author and feline behaviorist, shows how adding another cat to your home does not have to be the start of a kitty apocalypse. Although cats are often misunderstood as natural loners, Johnson-Bennett shows how to plan, set up, and maintain a home environment that will help multiple cats—and their owners—live in peace. Cat vs. Cat will help readers understand the importance of territory, the specialized communication cats use to establish relationships and hierarchies, and how to interpret the so-called “bad behavior” that leads so many owners to needless frustration. Offering a wealth of information on how to diffuse tension, prevent squabbles and ambushes, blend two families, or help the elder kitty in your family, Cat vs. Cat is a welcome resource for both seasoned and prospective guardians of cat families large and small.
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Nutramax Cosequin for Cats

Nutramax Cosequin for Cats

Early action is always the best advice. With regular check-ups your veterinarian can talk with you about your cat's aging process. Your veterinarian may discuss weight control and the administration of Cosequin to help your cat in her senior years.
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